Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So What's Up With So?

When I hear an interview of someone who is very erudite, with lots of letters behind his or her name or who has great accomplishments of which to boast, he or she always begins answering the initial question with the word "so".  This is a fairly new phenomenon, and to me it is a phenomenon.  I have heard no one else talk of this.  Now even the interviewer is beginning the interview with "So."  I thought "so" was a word that was used to connect phrases and events that had already taken place.  I am not saying it is wrong, just awkward.   The first time I heard it I thought I missed half of the interview.  This was not the case. Is it a case of the more it is heard, the more it is accepted?  Because it is everywhere.  I listen to NPR just about exclusively, and the other day I heard Terri Gross lead her interview with "So"  Is there anyone else wondering this same thing?
Or should I call this "So What?" 


  1. Interesting. The one that irks me is "So, like..."

  2. I'm bothered less by that than I am by the truly tenuous grasp so many people have on their native language (I'm thinking English).
